“When, after 10 years of hopeless attempts, I finally gave birth to triplets at the age of 48, instead of congratulating me, everyone around started criticizing me.”

I am forty-eight years old, and six months ago, I gave birth to triplets. It was a tremendous joy for me and my husband. For the past ten years, I had been trying to get pregnant, but without success.   Doctors would just shake their heads, saying that I should have started having children earlier. … Read more

3 months old hunny bunny cooing and smiling

In the tender embrace of infancy, our precious hunny bunny, just shy of three months old, has already graced our lives with an abundance of heartwarming moments. Every day brings new reasons to cherish these early days, as our little one discovers the world around them with wide-eyed wonder.   The melodious cooing that escapes … Read more

Newborn attempts to speak and says I love you!

Our 3-month-old bundle of joy has brought us a priceless gift of pure delight – the beginnings of their journey into the world of speech and language. It’s truly remarkable to witness this tiny newborn trying to mimic the sounds and words we say, and what’s even more heart-melting is that they’re doing an exceptionally … Read more

The 35 Year Old Mother Is The Mother Of 10 Beautiful Children and She’ve Been Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ For The Last 14 Years

Many women dream of becoming a mum, but that dream was almost taken from one woman who thought she’d never be able to start a family. But now, Satu Nordling Gonzalez, from Sweden, is a proud mum of ten having spent the last 14 years of her life Pʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ.   Satu, who is a stay-at-home … Read more

Pregnant Mom Asks Her To “Walk Like Mommy Walks” — Her Imitation Is Hilariously Accurate!

Are you familiar with the imitation game? Of course you are. Everyone has played the imitation game, whether they were a willing participant or not. It’s the game where one person copies the movements of another person and repeats everything he or she says. Super fun for the imitator, super annoying for the person being … Read more